Digitisation is only the beginning: Strategic ECM
Trade journal: S@PPORT
Issue: 03/2020
Author: Christian Fink
FITS/eMobilityCloud – The eMobility Management of the Future
Trade journal: eMove 360°
Issue: 03/2019
Author: Fink IT-Solutions

eMonday – eMove360 Club Meeting October 2021
FITS/eMobility Cloud® – The smart eMobility Solution – Game Changer for your fleet management
Date: 18.10.2021
Speaker: Daniel Dorst

SAP for your pocket - digital out-of-the-box solutions always with you
Date: 24.09.2021
Speaker: Sina Koehler und Reinhold Giess

Fleetmanagement Day Anyline
The quick and easy way to digitalise fleet & fleet management
Date: 25.11.2020
Speaker: Sina Koehler, Oliver Block (Anyline)

FITS.DAYS - Digitale Intensivseminare
Neptune DXP Developer Bootcamp - Build your first Fiori Apps with SAP Edition und Open Edition
Date: 23.11. + 24.11.2020
Speaker: Dominik Beffar

FITS.DAYS - Digitale Intensivseminare
Accelerator Workshop - Easy entry into the Fiori world with the Neptune DXP
Date: 18.11. + 19.11.2020
Speaker: Andreas Reichert

FITS.DAYS - Digital Intensive Seminars
Fink IoT-Academy – Hands-on experience with SAP IoT
Date: 16.11. + 17.11.2020
Speaker: Lukas Stingl
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Digital Intensive Seminars
Date: 11.11. + 12.11.2020
Topic: SAP Cloud Platform - Digital transformation for your business
Speaker: Sina Köhler
Online Event: Fleet Management Day
Date: 04.11.2020
Topic: Automated fleet management with FITS/eMoC
Speaker: Sina Köhler
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 30.10.2020
Topic: Professional management of CVs with the FITS/CV Manager
Speaker: Sina Köhler
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 29.10.2020
Topic: Live analyses with SAP Analytics Cloud based on HANA DB
Speaker: Jan Lang
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 28.10.2020
Topic: E-Mobility - Administration of Charging Infrastructure and Payment Services with the FITS/eMobility Cloud ®
Speaker: Lukas Stingl
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 27.10.2020
Topic: Intelligent Fleet Management and Connected Car with the FITS/eMobility Cloud ®
Speaker: Sina Köhler
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 23.10.2020
Topic: The S/4HANA ECM target landscape with SAP standard and OpenText solutions
Speaker: Christian Fink
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 22.10.2020
Topic: SAP Cloud Platform Integration - Quick Steps to the First Integration Scenario
Speaker: Niklas Reisinger
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 16.10.2020
Topic: S/4 Reporting - The perfect start with SAP Analytics Cloud
Speaker: Jan Lang
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 15.10.2020
Topic: Create and send outgoing XInvoice with SAP Document Compliance - SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA
Speaker: Philipp Will
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 19.10.2020
Topic: Vendor Invoice Management: Simple Mode vs. Classic Mode
Speaker: Mattheus Mroncz, Rainer Doergé
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 14.10.2020
Topic: SAP S/4HANA Business Partner Conversion
Speaker: Oscar Benner
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 13.10.2020
Topic: S/4HANA Output Management - Overview and Configuration
Speaker: Lukas Stingl
Event: SAP Partner Day
Date: 11.04.2019
Topic: SAP Cloud Platform
Speaker: Christian Fink
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 20.10.2020
Topic: Contract and Procurement Management with OpenText Extended ECM
Speaker: Theresa Riedl
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 09.10.2020
Topic: Mobile Text Recognition for Fiori Apps with ANYLINE and the Neptune DXP
Speaker: Jan Lang and Dominik Beffar
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 08.10.2020
Topic: Neptune DXP in the SAP Cloud Platform
Speaker: Jan Lang
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 07.10.2020
Topic: Mobile processes for SAP and non SAP - Two birds with one stone with Neptune DXP
Speaker: Daniel Dorst
Event: Electric & Autonomous Congress in Munich
Date: 15.10.2019
Topic: FITS/eMobilityCloud - The smart eMobility Solution
Speaker: Daniel Dorst
Online Event: FITS.DAYS - Daily Bootcamps
Date: 05.10.2020
Topic: Mobile Maintenance with Neptune DXP & the FITS/IH-Suite
Speaker: Andreas Reichert
Event: Neptune Experience Day in Hamburg
Date: 09.04.2019
Topic: Future of mobile maintenance in SAP
Speaker: Daniel Dorst
Event: VDI Congress in Hürth - Cologne
Date: 16.05.2018
Topic: Efficient and easy mobile maintenance
Speaker: Daniel Dorst
Event: e-Monday in Munich
Date: 23.09.2019
Topic: FITS/eMobilityCloud - Game Changer for your fleet management
Speaker: Daniel Dorst
Event: DSAG Annual Congress
Date: 18.09.2019
Topic: How we take e-mobility and the connected car to the next level; SAP Cloud Platform and the FITS/eMobilty Cloud as a game changer
Speaker: Christian Fink
Event: FITS.DAYS 2019 - Intensive Seminar
Date: 24.05.2019
Seminar 4: Developer Bootcamp with Neptune DXP - Offline App in One Day
Speaker: Jana Bittner
Event: DSAG Annual Congress
Date: Sep 2017
Topic: Mobile maintenance at Infraserv Höchst with Neptune UX Platform
Speaker: Christian Fink
Event: T.A. Cook - Annual Congress EAM
Date: June 2017
Topic: Efficient maintenance processes with the Neptune UX Platform
Speaker: Christian Fink
Event: DSAG Annual Congress
Date: Sep 2016
Topic: #Fiori vs. #Neptune?! - The UI strategy of BwFuhrparkService GmbH
Speaker: Christian Fink
Event: FITS.DAYS 2019 - Congress Day
Date: 23.05.2019