These are the certifications of Fink IT - We have the highest quality standards. Our certifications prove this!

Certifications Fink IT-Solutions

ISO-Certification 9001:2015

In a two-day audit, the quality management system as well as the processes with the process owners were audited in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 at the Würzburg site.

The result: certification of excellent quality management without any deviation from the standard. Since 19.08.2022 Fink IT holds the certificate with three-year validity for the scope of SAP and IT consulting, development and provision of project and operational services.

"We are proud and happy that the processes we have been living for years have now been awarded by an external authority with this seal of quality!" says Christian Fink, Managing Director Fink IT-Solutions!

Member of the official register of prequalified companies for the supply of goods and services

With this award we prove our suitability for public contracts to the "Insdustrie- und Handelskammer".

The advantage for you:
As a client, you save time and money when checking external suppliers or partners. All companies listed in the directory are subject to a serious audit.